Just watch any news channel today and you will see the story being played out on all of them. Closing the detention facility has one very large consequence which no one seemed to have realized when it was marked. If we close Guantanamo, where will the detainees go? There are several options for this problem, but only two that are remotely feasible. Unfortunately, neither option is all that good or politically acceptable for most politicians. First, we could send the detainees to another country, hopefully friendly to the U.S., to prosecute or to be released. Secondly, we could bring the detainees into the U.S. and try them here, with the consequence that if convicted they will be imprisoned here too. Although it seems that the latter is the more likely option, it seems we are far from a consensus or action on it.
Granted, the current fighting is very much along party lines, but there are few Democrats that are willing to bring these suspected terrorists into the country that they have sworn to destroy. Now, let me ask one question: When the proposal for closing Guantanamo was aired what did they expect to happen to the detainees? Did they just expect the problem to go away if Guantanamo was closed. This is a fine example of what could go wrong when a promise is made based purely on a political agenda. The Democratic Party pushed this promise throughout the campaign and it ended by painting them into a corner. Now several Democrats are trying to distance themselves on this very touchy subject. A few are even putting more pressure on the President to solve the problem without providing an adequate solution themselves. I don't know what they are thinking right now, but none of this indecision is making anyone look good. Now is the time to bite the bullet and do the right thing. Do I expect the posturing to stop? No, unfortunately I expect to see more politicking.
Many have publicly stated their concerns about bringing the detainees here, and honestly, I think that these people give way too much credit to the people we have in custody. Why do I think this way? First, they are not superhuman. They cannot just break their bonds at will. They are constantly under armed guard, military armed guard. Next, most detainees do not speak our language, and if they miraculously escape, will not be able to effectively blend into to the local population, no matter where they are held. Also, most of the detainees we have are not dangerous by themselves. There are few masterminds in the group capable of planning an escape of any kind. I don't think that the majority of these people are physically danger. They may have dangerous ideas, but they do not carry the plague. They cannot infect anyone just by being near them. They are only as dangerous as the average violent offender in the U.S. prison system right now. So what's the real reason for not wanting them here? Are they afraid that if we give them a jury trial that we will have to give them rights? That these dangerous individuals will use and abuse our justice system? Then make sure that the laws do not allow them to press an unfair and unearned advantage.
In the end it comes down to one thing: The partisan bickering needs to end and the work of correcting what's wrong with this country needs to start. I, for one, am tired of Republicans and Democrats arguing just for the sake of it. I know that both parties have differences in ideology, but the American people need more than high minded ideals to get us out of this current recession. I realize that certain segments of the problem has gotten better, but not everything is. Now is the time to work together, not argue, and make America the power that it once was. Stop the butting of heads on health care. Stop with the unproductive Socialist commentary. Stop the inaction on unemployment. It's time to get people jobs, good pay, a place to live and keep them healthy. I don't care how it's done, but it does need to get done.
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