Saturday, October 9, 2010

I've Been A Lazy Bum This Weekend...

And to be honest, for the last couple of weeks as well.

See, a little while ago I signed up to participate in a digital scavenger hunt. For those of you that don't know (it is pretty self-explanatory, but I will explain it anyway). A digital scavenger hunt is one that is conducted by making pictures by photography, drawing or what-have-you and putting it online by uploading or scanning it. This hunt is being conducted by a group of bloggers, so naturally, we are posting the results on our respective blogs. And since I've been lazy these last few weeks I have not completed the assignment. I didn't say I haven't started, I just havn't finished it yet. The good news is that I have another day to do it. But only one more.

A few of the others have already posted their results. I really don't need to do this until I post my pics, but here is the list of people and their blogs that are participating. Enjoy the results, I know I will.

Lifting Me Up --

Joocy Bits & Wotnots --

Photography by Hank Plumley --

Be Your Own Detective --

Jerome Aoustin Photography --

And yes, one way or another, I will post my pics by tomorrow evening.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - GlossGreen - can't wait to see them tomorrow! :) Thanks for the pre-post!
